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We use cookies on our website. A cookie is a small text-file that is stored locally on your computer, phone, or other device. Cookies are necessary for a webpage to remember a particular device or web browser. A cookie is not harmful to your device. There are several types of cookies, such as:

  • Session cookies: Will expire when you end each web browsing session and makes it possible to see a correlation of action during the session.
  • Persistent cookies: Is stored on your device between session and enables us to remember settings and actions.
  • First-party cookies: Provided by the website that you are using.
  • Third-party cookies: Provided by a third-party website that is different from the website you are using.

Our purpose for using cookies

Some of our cookies are stored from session to session. This can be related to statistics and analysis that may be necessary for optimal functionality of our services. When you are using our services, third parties may store cookies on our behalf to measure and analyse site use. We have strict guidelines for how such parties may collect and use data on visitors of our website.

Who are using cookies?

We are using the following first-party cookies:

Name Description
BN-PORTAL-COOKIE Ensures at login that you will be connected to a server during the session
BN.User.CookieConsent Saves your cookie preferences from previous session
.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.qtcTXBzYfJE, XSRF-TOKEN Security mechanism
TS01* Track potential security issues

We are cooperating with third parties. These parties may use cookies on our website with our permission.

Below follows a list of third-party cookies:

Name Description Provider
_ga Statistics: Information on use of our website Google Analytics
_gid Statistics: Differentiate users Google Analytics
_gcl_au Statistics: used by Google AdSense Google AdSense

Which cookies are stored in my browser?

Under settings you will find all cookies that are stored in your browser. Here, you also have the possibility to delete the cookies that you do not want to keep. You may find a user guide on how to delete cookies here.

How do I prevent cookies from being stored on my device?

You have the possibility to prevent cookies from being stored on your device. You may do this by navigating to settings in your browser and changing the security settings. Regardless of which browser you are using, it should be possible to change what websites you are permitting cookies from.

By declining Bank Norwegians use of cookies, you may get less user-friendly websites.

Here is how to change the settings in the most popular browsers: